Where I Am
Moving away from home, having a completely different routine, and being a first-year student in a new university created a lot of stress in my daily life. With classes and work piling up and learning how to cope with all the changes caused me to struggle with stress and anxiety. I needed to find a safe place that first, helped me deal with the stress, and second, allowed me to have time to myself away from school. This helped me discover Body Machine Fitness (BMF). BMF is a 45-minute cardio and strength group workout class that incorporates a neuroscience phenomenon called brain entrainment that involves using music and lights to shift your brain waves that change your mind and emotions. Each day, BMF classes target a different part of your body to keep the workout different.
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BMF Member
"I workout because it allows me to have a safe space away from stress caused by school and daily life. I also love how I am able to spend time with a lot of my friends while being healthy. I personally like to go at 7 am so I can get my day started in a positive way".
BMF Instructor and Former Member
"After being a member at the Plano location for about a year and a half I decided to pursue my dream and become an instructor at BMF. Not only do I teach the 6 and 7 am classes but I am also a certified nutritionist. I love helping people fall in love with working out and helping them with their nutrition/ fitness goals".
BMF Member
"I got to BMF because it is a time for me to focus on myself and be able to relieve my stress. BMF is where I can truly step away from my academic and personal stressors and work on making myself the best version I can be. I also enjoy being able to go to work out alongside my friends as they help motivate me and push me to do better".
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