Where I'm from

Scar Story
When I was around 6 or 7 I decided I wanted to swim in the ocean in Hawaii. I am very scared of the ocean and the water but after a little convincing, I finally went into the water. Once I got into the water it started to get very wavy and my foot got caught in coral. This was quite frighting for me because I could not swim very well. My parents finally helped me get out but I got a big scar on both the bottom and top of my foot from the coral.
Scar Wars Story- From a different perspective
Remember that one trip when I was about five years old? I went in the water because Elle was swimming and I wanted to be with all the cousins. I wanted to go in the water to swim I was scared of the ocean. Dad told me to go in so I trusted him and went in but then when the waves started to get really strong my foot got cut by the coral. I remember being so scared but then you guys helped me out of the water. It stung so much and now I have two scars to this day. I think that was also the trip where Linnea got a bad sunburn and we used the actual aloe vera leaf to heal her sunburn. Right after or the next day when we went to the whale museum and I was running to you and I tripped and fell and I also still have that scar. Linnea and I got pretty beat up on that trip. Now every time I see that whale museum I think of getting my foot caught in the coral and falling at the whale museum right after. I would imagine after all these years that the scars would have gone away because they were not big cuts but they are still here. I wonder if they will ever fade? I am even more scared of the ocean after that incident, worried that I will cut my foot or get caught again on something I am not expecting.

Where I'm From Peom
I am from raincoats,
From Northface and umbrellas.
I am from a spring shower feeding the grass.
(Bright, green
It smelled like home)
I am from the blackberry bushes
The dock to the lake
Whose legs and cold water I remember
Keeping me from jumping in.
Different Point of View- My Mom
I am from a small town in Southern Sweden. I was born here on July 8th, 1973. My family includes both my parents, who are surgeons, and my older brother born just 2.5 short years before me. When I was four years old I moved to Ontario Canada for my parent's work, shortly after we moved back to Sweden. When I turned 13 years old, my parents got the job being professors at the University of Washington in Seattle. This began our journey to America. Around 20 years later, my parents moved to Bern, Switzerland shortly after I was married.

Story From Home
One hot summer day my best friends Soha, Alena, and I were at my house looking for something to do. We decided to go boating so my friends and I packed food and all started to get onto the boat. I was the one driving the boat so I was doing everything to get the boat ready to leave. Once I got the boat all ready I go to lower the boat lift. While the boat is being lowered, I hear a huge crashing sound and look back over to see the boat halfway in the water and halfway on the lift. The lift had broken on one side from a storm a couple of days before so when I was going to lower the boat the lift dropped the boat in the water, halfway, with my friends still inside. My friends were not sure what was going on so they were very scared as the boat was sideways on the dock halfway in the water. Before the boat fell out I helped them out and had my parents come down to the dock and help us. Thankfully the boat lift is all fixed but now my friends are very scared of boats.
06- Sherley Hall

Walking into the double doors I instantly relax, I’m back from class. Now I can go to my room or hang out with my friends. I can go to a different room in this building to study, another room to do my laundry, my friend’s rooms for comic relief or just to talk, or my own to eat food, and sleep. Walking up the stairs makes it obvious the housing staff has not been here for a while, with day-old pizza bagels still on the floor and a paper cup still laying in the corner. At night the loud sounds of people hanging out with friends or coming home from a long night fills the hallways. RAs telling people to quiet down and go back to their rooms. Oh well, not a surprise when this is the dorm you choose to live in. Looking around, the paint color and carpet choice makes it obvious this building may need a few updates. On the bright side it is close to the other dorms.
Peer Response Artifact

Mentor Response Artifact