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Mentor Text: Above and Beyoncé


I read the 2005 issue of Vanity Fair, "Above and Beyoncé" written by Lisa Robinson. Before I read this article, I thought to myself, "what could this article be about?". I had previous knowledge that Beyoncé is a popular singer who has been in the spotlight for quite some time. The phrase "above and beyond" is a common saying so based on the title of the article, I knew it was going to be about Beyoncé's extravagent life.

While reading, the article went into detail about Beyoncé's childhood. Growing up in a middle class family in Huston, Texas. Beyonce entered the spot light at a young age after he parents noticed her talents and passion for preforming. The article continues to talk about her life continuing to grow in the spot light, joinging a band, leaving the band, and continuing to grow as a solor artist.

What I took out of this article is that although Beyonce came from a strong family she worked hard through all her challenges to pursue her dreams. In an interview, Beyonce mentioned that she wasnt just pursuing her career, but her dream.



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