The mentor text I watched was a youtube video called "Singing Through Prison Walls" which is an informational video about how the singer, Naima Shalhoub, and what she does for the women in the San Fransisco county jail. Naima Shalhoub is a singer songwriter who preforms her music to incarcerated women every week in the San Fransisco county women's jail. Naima is also recording her own album in the jail. Digging deaper into the meaning of this video, Naima is donating 50% of her profits to reentry programs for incarcerated women.
Not only does her profits help the women's county jail but, her singing provides a safe place to the incarcerated women. When asked how the women react to her singing, Naima responded by sharing that many of the women have came up to her and told her that she is their hope and freedom that they get while in jail.
The message behind "Singing Through Prison Walls" is to bring awareness to these incarcerated women and to share the injustices they face in jail, and even after they are released.
